Temporary border

For an entire week I had my cousin and his pooch visiting. Her name is Mia. She's a terrier (forgot which kind. . .ask me if I'm heartbroken over this fact). While she is totally a pampered princess (though I gave her the shoes as a Christmas gift), I must admit she's cute. Do I miss her? Somewhat. I was at least exercising by walking her each morning. But oh, did she and the cat drive me crazy! They circled each other and the cat growled, the dog chased her, and hijinks ensued. My cousin and I would stop in midsentence just to see what would happen next! It was sorta comical. However, when they left, I never saw two inhabitants more excited to see them go! The cat ran around the house more and the first few nights I heard her playing with her ball (my gift to her--Chi Chi for those who've forgotten or didn't know)--all was right with the world again.
My cousin told me later that Mia was looking for Chi-Chi for about 3 days after returning home. I guess we do get used to one another (even if it's temporary)
Labels: daily drama