Pick a theme and stick with it!

But you know, that's what happens when youi base your thoughts and opinions on your own personal feelings, choices and aesthetic. Never once did I make an effort to stop by and maybe speak to the owner or take a moment to think maybe just maybe the theme or motivation is deeper than what I can physically see.
Well, guess what? This year, I happen to be driving by one night and I wanted to shoot the picture and in the front yard were the owners. Without thinking I pullover, get out and start yelling, yoo hoo! and I strike up a conversation with the wife, Mary. Lovely woman. Just as sweet as pie. Her motivation? Putting up lights was something her father did when she was a child. She honors that memory by continuing the tradition. You can't put a price on that. So the theme to me is love and honoring my parent. We should honor our parents--how's that for a wintry theme? Whether the lights are too many or not, well, I've decided that I personally could never put up enough lights to honor my folks. Thanks Mary.
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