30 October 2007

Africa on the brain

I will be traveling in early 2008 to a few countries in Africa for missions work. There will be doctors traveling with us who will be providing free medical treatment at the clinics. I was shocked to hear of the general lack of hospitals and real clinics, when we pout over the amount of coverage we have. My mom lacks adequate health insurance to cover her medical costs (rx, checkups, etc)--where we're going, not only is there a lack of insurance. . .there are no providers--period.

I'm not sure what I thought about this trip. The impact it would have on me, and more importantly, on the people we plan to serve while there. As I get more involved, I think back to my childhood when Sally Struthers would come on late night asking for money to assist starving children in countries I'd either not heard of or could be less concerned about. Here it is 20-30 years later, and I finally get it. While I complain about not getting that hank or ball of yarn, or not making it to a sale for the pair of shoes and such, someone is going without food and some child doesn't have any shoes . . . it's something to ponder once you really put it into perspective.

We are truly blessed whether we see it that way or not. I look forward to living on less so that someone who does not have can live and live more abundantly.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you! And good for you, making a difference in the world. It'll be a once in a lifetime experience for you, and for every person you meet :-)

6:46 PM  
Blogger aknittykitty said...

Thanks for the kind words. I hope for this to become a way of life for me--this group that I am going with takes 2-3 trips a year--going to different countries, working with the leadership, bringing resources to remote areas that would take many years for them to acquire on their own. And along with that, they also bring the gospel of Jesus Christ. To my knowledge, it never has fallen on deaf ears, nor was it unwelcomed. I believe I've found my niche. . .I have to find the patience to take each step one at a time. And when I can't, I knit. It's what I like about knitting . . . it has a way of slowing you down just enough to make you focus on the moment.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said... and something I will be thinking about a lot. We are so very blessed.

I'm glad to have found your blog (or that you finally de-lurked and "found" me! Blessings, my friend.

8:25 AM  

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