This is the caravan of medicines, supplies and clothes that we brought along with us as we try to get through customs without having to pay extra:

Our first day in country was spent taking a day trip to Soweto. We visited several areas, one being this square where this dedication was erected to be a symbol of the new democracy that is South Africa.

Here is one of our in country sponsors, David. He is one of many Americans who've moved to the "New South Africa" to be a part of the change that is occuring. As I got to meet more of these transplants, I realized that if you have something to offer SA in the way of technical abilities or services to equip or benefit the economy, you tend to live much better than you did in the states.

Although we didn't manage to get inside the museum, we took a couple of pictures outside of the Mandela museum. There is a hope that Mandela survives until the World Cup which will be held in SA in 2010. Mandela will be 90 either this year or in 2010 (I forget).

No matter where you may go in this world, in at least one Catholic Church you will find a Mary and Christ child to resemble its congregants

Here is a picture of the group as we were touring the square. I will try to post the other declarations which we were told were comparable to our Declaration of Independence, only it is written in stone. Literally.

I just couldn't resist posting this little man. He reminds me of the joy that you find in many of the people.
Labels: Africa