Put your left foot in . . .and shake it all about~
One sock down and one to go! I just wonder will I ever finish this one? There are some things you just have to put aside until the Spirit moves you. I had to finish the first one, but I am ready to start on the other yarns. I've learned some valuable lessons--for example: either swatch or use smaller needles if it doesn't feel right to you even if the pattern says otherwise ;b. Will I ever complete the pair--definitely. I have a need for the completed pair to be in my "oh the horror" box. . .those knitted items which we still scratch our heads and wonder, "why did I think this would work?" Oh, well. Nothing ventured--nothing gained. This semesters tuition in the college of life experiences. At any rate, there she is:

I am, however, totally happy with the color/yarn choice (Cascade Fixation). Will use it again. Just will remember to use size 5 and not size 7 needles!

I am, however, totally happy with the color/yarn choice (Cascade Fixation). Will use it again. Just will remember to use size 5 and not size 7 needles!
Is it too big? It looks perfect!
No, not too big. Too spacey, if that makes sense. I think if I used a smaller needle size it wouldn't feel like a "lacey" sock. Sizing seems to be the only thing that is okay. Just a bit airy for my taste :)
Thanks, for asking!
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