19 January 2007

Am I the only person who

  • Gets ticked off because a driver has cut you off in traffic, driving as if their car was on fire only to meet you at the red light? It was red as he was speeding by, whipping in front of you so that s/he could be an e n t i r e car ahead for the next light you encounter!
  • Wonders how you never have trouble waking on Friday mornings, but Monday through Thursday seem like no matter what, you are not squeezing those eyelids open before 7:00 am? (believe it or not, I used to be at my desk with my second cup of coffee by 6:30am daily. Now, I'm happy if I tip into the office by 10:00am)
  • Feels that Saturdays are somehow the shortest day of the week and Monday is definitely the longest. Dunno how it happens, but oh I can feeeel the hours rush by like a wave on Saturday, but Mondays dribble along like your first plop of ketchup before the knife goes in!
  • Thinks of dinner at least once during Church on Sunday? I did this mostly as a kid, but I find myself doing it now as an adult. At least my mom used to actually have a meal prepared to daydream about. . .I rarely do--therein lies the rub.

Has nothing special to say or display on their blog but wants to check in and so goes on and on about nothing? Have a purly weekend everyone!


Blogger Two Pixies said...

I used to look over/up and wave at the racers who ended up at the same light over and over. Now I worry that the added rage I would create would cause a shooting or something, so I laugh to myself. So, no, you are not alone. ;)
Can you sneak knitting into work? You could blog about the fun stuff you're knitting while getting paid the big bucks. tee hee.

10:50 AM  
Blogger aknittykitty said...

Technically, I only knit during my lunch hour. . .sometimes I sneak in an extra moment (1 moment=half hour)here and there. . .shhh! it's a secret ;)

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got cut off at the Kenhill/197 intersection this morning by a Mercury Mountaineer. To add insult to injury, as they merged onto Rte 50, a huge sheet of ice flew off the top of their car and smashed into my car. No harm done, but scared the daylight out of me. Double whammy. Triple if you count that Monday mornings are a drag in and of themselves.

I used to entertain myself at church by judging everyone's shoes as they went up for communion. "I'd wear those, those, not those, I'd let my kids wear those.." Either I've grown out of it, or my own shoes are too shabby to let my mind dwell too long on others.

8:33 AM  
Blogger aknittykitty said...

k-knits, I just love the shoe idea! Because I spend a large amount of time in the control room looking out on the congregation, I can tell if the Pastor is having a particulary "good" sermon based on the looks on some of the faces! It's amazing how one's face can paint a picture for others. It may not be true, but wow. I think its why the Church is cold year round. . .keeps people awake ;)

I will apologize for the inconsiderate driver. . .it still amazes me how it seems there is always someone racing ahead and being mean about it. This person is also probably not happy once they arrive at work. So there--at least you are happy once you arrive!

9:17 AM  

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